I am a talker. I think best while venting to my friends.
This is how i process my emotions.
Verbal diarrhea
My sister in law and I can talk on the phone for hours while we cook dinner and clean our houses. We interrupt each other and understand each other. I literally think there is no problem we couldn’t solve together.
I understand that not everyone would love the phone as much a me. If not for pure conversations sake, then for knowing the other person got your message.
It drives me crazy when I get a text or email invite to something last minute. I don’t see it until last minute or it’s too late. The host thinks i am ignoring them or don’t want to attend. An awkward misunderstanding occurs.
Would it not be more efficient to just pick up the phone? Everyone knows what is going on.
So if you want to feel cool by having me at your party, pick up the phone and ask me.
I’m so with you on this. I do text, I do email, but I prefer a real conversation.
Oh gosh – I HATE the phone. Detest it. I’m busy, I’d rather drop a text to quickly arrange to meet up in person.