When you become a Mom it’s easy to lose yourself. You’re ‘me time’ goes from 100% to 0% overnight. Of course we love our kids but it can be tough to find a balance when they’re young.
My daughters were so close together in age that I spent 3 years in a sleepless cloud of pregnancies and breastfeeding. The fog is starting to clear and it’s time to claim some of that ‘me time’ back.
Sure, I’ve gone out for dinner a couple of times with my husband when we were able to find a babysitter, and I’ve had girl’s nights at friend’s houses. But I’d been craving a night out on the town like the good old days.
Since I just moved to the city we live in when I was 8 months pregnant, I basically haven’t even seen what the place looks like after 8pm. It was time to take action. I got together some girlfriends, told them it was ridiculous how pathetic we’d become and that it was time to embrace our inner divas and check out the nightlife.
After dinner and a few drinks, the plans to go dancing fizzled out; just like our ability to stay up much past midnight, so we strolled down the street towards the taxis.
A group of 3 men, well, boys actually, stopped and asked us for directions. Pleasantries and directions were exchanged and the entire interaction wasn’t longer than 3 or 4 minutes, but as I turned to leave, the young man, who was about the same age as my babysitter says, “You seem nice, can I have your phone number?”
I spun around to see who he was talking to. No one was there. “Me?” I asked looking around. Yes indeed, he was talking to me!
“YES!” I almost shouted out. “Yes, you can have my phone number just because I can’t remember the last time someone has asked for it” is what nearly came tumbling out of my mouth.
I had to stop myself from laughing and jumping for joy. This was better than being asked for ID at the liquor store! Talk about a boost to the self esteem!
I gathered my composure, told him I was married and then skipped off happily down the street with my friends.
That was all I needed. To know I wasn’t invisible; to know that someone besides my loyal husband could still see the pretty girl hiding behind the Mom.
The guy on the street didn’t know that he made my day…or maybe even my month. But sometimes we just need a little pick me up to get through all the dirty diapers and sleepless nights.
As I crawled into bed beside my sleeping husband that night, he rolled over and opening one eye asked me, “Was it fun?”
“I’ve still got it!” I beamed, and fell back onto my pillow in exhaustion.
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I want to satisfy u
Hay how are you
am good and yourself
I need a caring mom.