Our eldest is graduating high school in a few short months. Apart from being an excellent student, she is a thoughtful friend, and, currently, a colossal tool. I…
At Target today, my seven-year-old son picked out flowery teal leggings with a matching top. When he tried on the brightly colored items, he said “I know people…
Whenever I feel like I’ve had a really bad day, that I’ve failed as a mother and 100% guaranteed my son’s future need for therapy, I remind myself…
I know what you’re thinking. How does one accidently wax anything, especially an asshole? No, I wasn’t carelessly walking around with a hot wax strip and no, I didn’t suddenly…
A few months after Blueberry was born, my husband ordered me some graphic tees because he knows how much I love them. The first one says “I Run…
I’m eating my son’s S’mores Goldfish crackers while I’m writing this. And I don’t feel the least bit guilty about it. You know why? Mommy Tax. I came…
Before I got married, I would hear people refer to “the seven year itch” as if it were some mythical danger to be carefully avoided on pain of…
With so many humans spending more time at home and on-line, we have a unique opportunity to do an imaginary degree in psychology. Hear me out. This is…
Hi, my name is Danielle Slaughter and being a strong Black woman is killing me. It’s not even killing me rapidly. No, it’s taking its time and slowly…
“We should get a tattoo, mom.” I laughed. I knew it was just my younger daughter, Sarah’s way of getting herself a tattoo – to go along with…
If you have a son, I’m sure you’re too exhausted to even read this. But you may want to pay attention because I think I’m onto something. At…
It was a constant struggle to arrive anywhere on time when my daughters were younger. A “quick” dash out the door consisted of no less than ten minutes…
Most people don’t like being told what to do, and if you start preaching to them about right and wrong, they will tell you to get off your…
In the middle of a somewhat heated conversation recently, a woman called me cold. As jazzed as I was, her words were not at all intended to be…