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15 Ways Your Man Proves He Loves You

My husband and I recently celebrated our 32nd wedding anniversary, but I’ll admit, reaching this milestone hasn’t always been easy. We’ve had our share of trials and tribulations that have put our relationship to the test. Yet somehow, we’ve always landed on our feet and back in each other’s arms.

Since the beginning, my husband has proven that he has the “staying power” necessary to make our marriage work, and that he takes his wedding vow, “For Better Or Worse,” very seriously. Obviously trust, understanding, respect for one another, loyalty, good communication skills and patience play a big part in a lasting relationship, but it goes beyond that. In many cases, it’s the little things that are the glue that keep a couple together. Forget about sappy Hallmark cards or the wilted flowers from the refrigerated section of the grocery store. If your man is truly in it for the long haul with you, he’s proven it by doing some of the following things:

  1. Digging a slippery contact out of your eye when its rolled too far back under the lid for you to retrieve….even though it’s 3:00 a.m. and makes him incredibly squeamish.
  2. Goes to the convenience store in the middle of the night to grab a box of tampons for you even though he’s the only man in line without a six-pack of beer and a case of Marlboro cigarettes.
  3. Walks the dogs when its raining outside so that you don’t have to get wet (or get peed on).
  4. Gives up his tickets to a hockey playoff game to stay home and help you eradicate the colony of lice that have taken up residence on your seven-year-old’s head.
  5. Plunges the unidentifiable thing in the toilet that NO ONE claims is theirs.
  6. Does his best to throw something together for dinner when you’ve had a bad day and can’t move from the couch. The meal may be made with an unearthed, frozen hunk of pork roast that you could have sworn you discarded a year ago, but that’s okay, because everything tastes good smothered in ketchup.
  7. Endures watching a girly movie with you and isn’t afraid to tap into his feminine side by shedding a few tears during the show (or maybe he’s just crying because you ate the last of the buttered popcorn).
  8. Doesn’t mind picking up the kids from their after school activities when you’re running late. Never mind that he also enjoys embarrassing the kiddos by dancing in his seat when a Pitbull song comes on the radio.
  9. Kills every cockroach and spider you find in the house. This has nothing to do with the fact that your loud shrieks break the sound barrier and cause his ears to bleed whenever an insect crosses your path.
  10. Tells you that you’re beautiful even when you wake up looking like an angry porcupine.
  11. Offers to clean the house when you’re frantically working to meet a deadline. If he rearranges the kitchen and switches everything around in the pantry, just smile and thank him. Does it really matter if your favorite pasta is hidden behind a large box of mothballs?
  12. Holds your hair away from your face when you’re barfing the questionable sushi you had at the all-you-can-eat Japanese buffet he insisted on trying.
  13. Retires to the couch for the evening so that his snoring won’t keep you awake. Then again, he might just be afraid that you’ll cover his face with a pillow if he snores while sleeping next to you.
  14. Scratches that place on your back that you can never reach when it itches. But don’t be surprised if his hand wonders elsewhere during the process. He might have an itch that needs scratching, too.
  15. Lets you drive the newer car in the family while he putters to work in the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang car that should have been put out of its misery ten years ago.

I’ve heard countless women complain that their men don’t bring them flowers or candy to show their appreciation. Ladies, you can keep your roses and chocolates. I’d rather have a man who finds angry porcupines attractive and has great plunger skills.


(This post originally ran on Menopausal Mother)

About the author: Marcia Kester Doyle is a native Floridian and a married mother of four children and has one grandchild. She is the author of the humorous blog,Menopausal Mother, where she muses on the good, the bad and the ugly side of menopausal mayhem. Give her a glass of wine and a jar of Nutella and she’ll be your best friend. Marcia is a contributing writer for Huffington Post, In The Powder Room, What The Flicka and HumorOutcasts. Her work has also appeared on Scary Mommy, BlogHer, Lost In Suburbia, The Erma Bombeck Writers Workshop, Midlife Boulevard, Mamapedia, BA50 and The Woven Tale Press among others. She is the author of the humorous book, “Who Stole My Spandex? Midlife Musings From A Middle-Aged MILF” and is an author contributor to four other books. Marcia is a BlogHer Voice Of The Year 2014 recipient and her blog Menopausal Mother won VoiceBoks Top Hilarious Parent Blogger 2014. She was also voted top 25 in the Circle Of Moms Contest 2013. You can also find Marcia’s blog on Facebook and Twitter.

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