As women, we have all heard it: “Is it that time of the month?” “Your hormones are raging!” “Pregnancy must be so hard emotionally with all those hormones”…
If the Golden Girls were pitched today, I have to think it would be: LIKE SEX IN THE CITY…BUT WITH SEPTUAGENARIANS! Which begs the question: how in the hell…
I, like many of my fellow darker-haired gals of European descent, are “blessed” with being a little hairier then our fairer friends. Skipping a day between shaving is…
I hate poo. I really fucking hate it. It used to shit me to tears when those Stepford mothers would smile and say, “Oh you don’t mind at all…
Mother’s Day sucks. There, I said it! I fully admit it. It shouldn’t. I’m the proud and lucky mom of two great kids, a girl, 10, and a…
“Mommy, can we go to Chuck E. Cheese’s for Mother’s Day?” said my 7-year-old from the merry-go-round. “Aw. That’s very thoughtful.” I said. “Spin me faster!” It was hard to spin…
My kids are coddled like every other child on the planet. They get participation trophies. They have gigantic water bottles so that they won’t ever dehydrate. They get…
The ever-brilliant Nadia Bolz-Weber advises us to preach from our scars, and not from open wounds. It’s solid advice, and advice that I try generally to follow in…
My mother passed away when I was 13 years old. It wasn’t sudden. She knew that she wouldn’t live to see me graduate high school or get married.…
When you’re not ‘that’ mom. The thoughtful, caring, happy-go-lucky, laid back mom. I’m not that mom. I’m the – I expect more, expect you to expect more, do…