The haiku of blog posts in honour of this month’s Raising Multilingual Kids Carnival. The Carnival will be out around the 24th. Sign up at the link above…
My kids, overall, are good eaters. I won’t go into my philosophy in detail just that I take a French-mother/Man Who Ate Everything approach to feeding them. It…
Now and again there’s a post that makes my blood boil. Often, they are written by childless folk bitching about people traveling with their kids. Not today. So…
Have you heard of RIE? I have, and it made me think, “Oh look, another parenting fad.” How we do love our fads, particularly when it comes to really…
Baking is an exact science, which is why you should be impressed by your yummy-mummy friends who bake —especially those with infants and toddlers since they are likely…
My first daughter SweetPea was a very late talker, and this gave me ample space to learn to curb my potty mouth. In my defense, I worked first…
When I was pregnant with my first, I was so excited to be expecting at last, I couldn’t wait to ‘show’. Having taken two years to conceive, I…
I have a tendency to beat myself up over things. Right now, as I type this, a little voice is berating me because every time I check a…
My husband –aka Jefe– and I can’t agree on family size. He is happy with two. No surprise there, he is from a family of two. Me, well…