
Wannabee BLUNT

Being Moms

Tonight I sat in the Panera Bread parking lot for 2.5 hours after they had closed. What was I doing in my car for 2.5 hours on a Friday night? I was catching up on a week’s worth of texts, I was googling cotton candy makers and woodland decorations for my son’s 4th birthday party,

Being Moms

Binge-watched anything lately? Yes, we all have unabashedly washed the sensational Marie Kondo’s tips and tools on how to organize our things. Her tenets have been ingrained in all of our mommy brains as we swiftly move through our cupboards and cabinets, seeking out the meaning of the term “sparks joy.” We’ve seen and contributed

Being Honest

I collect people. Not in some creepy Jeffrey Dahmer way. And not in the urban dictionary sense of adding random followers to my social media accounts. But from phases of life to states I’ve called home, places I’ve visited and groups I’ve belonged to – I have assembled a group of people, my people. Some are part

Being Moms

Technically, it was negligent homicide. But in the eyes of my nearly-adult daughter who came home from work to find I had re-homed her Betta without her consent, my act of aquatic malice was unforgivable. I had the best of intentions, and this poor fish had been sitting in a tiny unfiltered tank for weeks,

Being Funny

  It’s 6:55 AM on a Saturday morning, the only day I can sleep in and for some reason my mind is hyped like a Jack Russell with a tennis ball. There will be no more sleeping going on. Also, thanks to new memory foam pillows I received for Christmas, I can’t even adequately suffocate

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