“Mom, Max needs your help!” Shrieks my daughter perched at the top of the stairs, staring at the closed bathroom door. What could my sixteen-year-old son possibly need help with that we didn’t cover when he was three, and we practiced aiming with Cheerios. I yell to him to confirm he needs assistance and assess
After the ink was dry on the divorce decree and proceedings came to a close, I thought the hardest part of the divorce was behind us. I used to empathize with people going through divorces. “I’m so sorry, that sucks. I’m here for you.” I never knew exactly how ineffectual the “obligatory” sympathy was, until
We were recently lucky enough to add a beautiful and fierce baby girl to our family, already a never-ceasing source of light for me because of our three-year-old son. He is on the autism spectrum, but so incredibly bright and curious that our days are filled with the same joys and tribulations as those of
I am a patient person, people commend me on this trait. I have walked into many rooms, to find my children doing the raunchiest things you can ever imagine, and I have kept my cool. “Joey, could you please stop peeing on your baby sister. Thank you, let’s go have a snack,” is an example.
She looks so peaceful and calm, as if sleeping. The doctors say to talk to her; she can hear you. I don’t believe them and I look for…
Allow me to start by issuing my very deepest condolences to any families and loved ones of the victims and survivors of all of these horrible school shootings…
This is a story about how a mom’s primal need to relax on a beach in Mexico overrides her family’s sub-conscience attempts to foil everything. Nothing can stop her. Not an…
I am a horrible mother, not for what I do, but for what I think. I think I want to run away. As I wash the dishes for…
Our boys are six-years-old. They are babies. Loud, active, goofy, frustrating, fart-obsessed babies. The focus of their lives should be recess, loudly announcing their bodily functions, and straddling…
According to salary.com the projected annual wage of a Stay at Home Dad is estimated at $125,340. My husband, a disabled veteran, wakes up in pain almost every…