It has taken me weeks to figure this out, my “intention” for the year. What I want my years focus to be about, not just in one area,…
We live on the west, west coast of BC. Where our temps rarely fall below zero, and when they do it is considered “too cold” to go out.…
Our kids LOVE making iced sugar cookies. The cookie cutters, the decorating, the whole thing is a tasty craft project (that means TONNES of mom time) But what…
I love a good stew, and I love any kind of food made with wine (it is just BETTER) but always get hung up at the cost of…
Some weeks you stumble and fumble through. Feeling like you are fighting the current, struggling against an unseen force. Some weeks? Well, this past week that’s for sure.…
It is a little dude at home day, and with Hubby off to work, that means this mama is either going to need to submit, or spend the…
Someone asked me to write on living in the world of “good enough” As in . . . I am walking my kids to school, the sun is…
I know there are all sorts of different ideals out there about living a good life, doing well in business and being a generally “successful” person. All those…
for 10 years I have been a great mom. I have been sitting on the sidelines watching the game, cheering and providing snacks. I have had dinner ready,…
I am a woman, and yet I seriously do not understand women. We are so mean. Mean to other women. Nasty, bitter and vicious. Maybe there is some…