Our eldest is graduating high school in a few short months. Apart from being an excellent student, she is a thoughtful friend, and, currently, a colossal tool. I…
Would sex make you feel better? Look, I’m sorry for walking into the toilet when you had the door shut. I thought that was a weird place for…
6:15am: Alarm clock wakes me and I gently punch the snooze repeatedly until I feel it has learned its lesson. 6:40am: Today is the day I’m going to…
In this Thanksgiving season, it is essential to remember it is never too late to say thank you. Sure, it gets embarrassing if you have had ‘Thank you…
In times of crisis, some people turn to alcohol, some knitting, some break into tears. I’ve even heard of some whack-a-doodles finding comfort in poetry. I’ve tried all…
I have been asked, many times, if I was about to get my period by well-meaning men. I think the men who ask this kind of question just…
I am generally unphased with people turning their breast milk into rings, hair into home decor, or tears into art. I won’t buy any of this crazy-ass stuff,…
This was to be your swan song year. The year you finally were to strut around the school and go to the seniors’ lounge, wearing the graduation hoodie…
Let’s get the obvious questions out-of-the-way. I did not fall on my head as an infant, no one has smacked me upside the melon with a 2 x…
Isolation with your family is a glorious time to reconnect, recollect, revise, revisit, and rejuvenate. Or, it is a shit show with no end in sight. Same/same. There…