Ah, Disney. The magical place where grown men wear face paint, recently married adults spend their mouse-ear clad honeymoon, where sick children’s last wishes come true and where…
As a public service announcement to randy newlyweds, I thought I would share my story. Let this be a warning to y’all in the name of fresh snatches…
If you give a Mom a coffee, she is going to want a snack to go with it. She will check in the fridge for yogurt and notice…
My kids are teens, so we have seen many things. Broken limbs, stitches, infections, strange rashes, and a myriad of bodily fluids that escape their human form without…
I went to one of those fancy bra shopping places. You know the kind? They feel you up, comment on the size and shape of your boobs then leave…
As summer is upon us, mothers are faced with the yearly quest to entertain the kidlets on rainy days or when they bitch about the heat. Lovely things like…
The first time I made a plan like this, I felt it was foolproof. It was a bright sunny day at the end of a perfect summer. Most…
Oklahoma, the state famous for country singers, rednecks, being a strong contender for the most racist state in America, and having a trailer park as home to their…
Our daughter is a teenager. As teenagers go, so far we think she is pretty great. She is also a big pain in the ass and the reason…
When was the last time you played a board game to trade sex favours? That was the idea when my husband planned for our Friday night sex a…