Don’t bottle-feed, only breastfeed
But not in public, cover up
And not too long, only until they turn one
Don’t co-sleep
Don’t let them cry it out
Make sure your baby takes a bottle so you can leave them
Don’t let your baby have that bottle anymore
Be a good mom they said…
Let your baby know it’s loved
Don’t hold your baby too much
Sleep when the baby sleeps
But have a clean house and laundry done
Don’t yell at your kids
Teach them discipline
Don’t spoil your kids
Give them the opportunities you didn’t have
Be a good mom they said…
Vaccinate your kids, but don’t over-vaccinate
Why aren’t you pregnant yet?
When are you trying for baby #2?
Don’t have a c-section
Give birth naturally, unless it’s an emergency then have a c-section
Volunteer for every school activity
Don’t wear your pajamas to school drop-off
Be a good mom they said…
Lose the baby weight
Eat enough to keep milk supply
Is your baby sleeping through the night? Why isn’t it sleeping through the night?
Save for college
Throw them the best, most expensive birthday party ever
Just relax
Don’t drink alcohol if you’re breastfeeding
Don’t feed your baby formula
Make sure your baby weighs enough
Be a good mom they said…
No screen time
Maybe some screen time, but not too much
Back is best, unless they have digestive issues
Only feed organic food
Don’t work, stay at home
Do work, but not too much
Be friends with your kids so they trust you
Don’t be best friends with your kids or they won’t respect you
Be a good mom they said…
Drive your kids to school, guitar lessons, social activities, tutor time, soccer games
Make alone time for just you and each child
Also for your husband
Also for yourself
Do it all with a smile
Be a good mom they said.
Rachael is a writer and chief encouragement officer to her fam of four. She is a baby lover, old people hugger and schedule juggler. As a midwestern girl living in a South Florida world, she enjoys transcribing her time raising her fournager daughter and wild man two year old. She doesn’t take herself too seriously but does her kids bedtime.