Nothing ever prepares you for reading a suicide note written by your own child. I’ll never forget the look on my husband’s face when he handed it to…
I remember seeing trees. The feeling of flying. Flying toward the damn trees. This was how it would all end for me. My worst nightmare coming true on…
I’m a terrible parent. No really, just listen up. I promise, I’m not doing the whole “oh no I gave my kid a frozen pizza ONE FUCKING TIME,…
Do you dangle your nasty bits out in front of your kids? Another passionate debate between parents. The two distinct camps sound roughly like this: “I am totally…
I take Prozac. There. I said it out loud. And it’s ridiculous, no, EGREGIOUS, that I’ve been afraid to say so for years. That I’ve felt forced…
I could hear her wailing as I walked by the playground; a little girl with tear-stained face and bright red cheeks was standing near her teacher. “I’m too…
Dear Ms. Davis Congratulations on your many awards. You appear to be a genuinely nice person and obviously extremely talented. You have created a successful and powerful career…
Confession time: I am a Cafeteria Catholic. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, or if you’re a little rusty on your Catholic lingo, let me…
Legislation to dictate what bathroom you have to use? Seriously? Personally, I don’t care where trans people pee. As long as it’s not on my seat. You…
I’ve never been a small gal. Curvy, fit, strong, chubby, heavy, plus sized– I’ve held each of those titles at some point through my life – but never…