I know what you’re thinking. How does one accidently wax anything, especially an asshole? No, I wasn’t carelessly walking around with a hot wax strip and no, I didn’t suddenly…
I’m generally a very even-tempered person. I tend to let things roll off my back, I don’t usually take things personally and I’m very forgiving. Just kidding. Sorry…
“Well, it happened. You caught your pre-teen daughter in the middle of playing with some tarot cards. Or lighting candles with weird beads around them in her room.…
I’m not going to pout or stress about the yearly naughty and nice lists. Who put the jolly man in red in charge of judging anyways? He shamelessly…
I tense up before I even walk through the door of the school gym. I have to pause and scan the immediate area for any sign of danger. …
“Just once, I’d like to be able to do this without interruption,” I say to my husband, when we have managed to carve out a few moments alone…
It wasn’t my finest parenting moment but it probably would’ve made for good television if my son and I starred in some reality show like, “Single Mom &…
“Mommy, daddy said a bad word! “Mommy, daddy was driving really fast!” “Mommy, daddy stuck out his middle finger at a guy who cut him off and he…
January and June are the months I’m usually reaching the bottom of my Xanax bottle and calling the Dr. for a refill. Mid July hits and I find…
Facebook asks all the time, “What’s on your mind?” In an effort to address this question, the BLUNTmoms put their heads together and talked about what we really…