T’is the season to eat, drink, and be merry with everyone you have ever loved/met/waited in line for the copier with. By some marvelous stroke of luck I…
Husband: Hey hon, you wanna bake some cookies with me now that the kids are asleep? Me: Didn’t we just have cookies like two nights ago? Husband: Uh,…
If you are feeling like a shitty mom, allow me to make you feel better. No, really, this should be an easy fix, and I am happy to…
Let’s just start off with the fact that I have control issues. I am not sure if it is genetic or learned, whichever it is, I’ve got it…
Dear Perfect Mom at the playground: I don’t know how you do it but every time I see you at the playground you look clean. No food, tears…
I’ve discovered a species of parents worse than the PTA moms- the athletic association dads. My experience with them is limited to basketball, but feel free to insert…
Burnout is a real risk when demands exceed available resources for an extended period of time. I have compiled a list of signs that you are in clear…
My son smokes weed, a development I’m learning I have very little control over. As far as I can tell it started last year in 8th grade. Although…
Long before my partner and I ever thought we would want to parent a child together, we were very fond of the conceiving process. In fact, early on…
It wasn’t the chicken coop inside city limits that set me off. It wasn’t that they’d dump all their shit on our lawn instead of their own for…