Most of us have married wonderful men. They are great partners, lovers, fathers, and we are usually grateful for all they do and for the role they play…
My husband asks for one gift, every fucking holiday, and it’s never a jacket from Target or pine tree shaped air fresheners. Instead, he wants to take nude…
Hello, I hope you had a good weekend. Ours was pretty low key and like always, we had a talk about the “budget” issue. If my darling husband…
What the hell happened to the kinder, gentler days when I was the center of my adoring husband’s world? There were no distractions like beer, football, video games…
Beyond my husband’s irritating tendency to get involved in a lengthy outside chore exactly when it’s time to nudge (read: endlessly nag) the kids into doing their weekly…
I know ladies, it is usually the guys who wake up February 13 or even 14 with the sudden ball dropping realization that they have not given…
I have news for you, men. Everything you know about sex is wrong. Just in case you haven’t figured out. It takes longer than 30 seconds to get us…
I drive a beige minivan and have an impressive collection of equally beige granny panties. Sexy, right? My marriage is like a bowl of caramel pudding: sweet,…
My husband and I are nerds and not in the “it’s-so-trendy-now” way. We are a Star Wars-devoted family (#ripCarrieFisher); our co-ed baby shower involved Star Wars-themed terrarium centerpieces…
At barbecues, pool parties, birthdays… I sit and watch. The Mom: changes the diapers… sanitizes hands… provides pre-made, kid-friendly food… breast feeds in another room… comforts crying baby……