Ah, siblings, the tormentors of the soul and the reality slappers of life. Siblings don’t care about boosting their sister’s fragile self-esteem or protecting their brother from the…
Back in the late eighties, early nineties I was an asshole to my mom. Not all the time. Not every day. But far too often… I’d be all…
The year 2002 was Grandma’s last Thanksgiving with us. To be clear, she lived for another decade after that, but 2002 marked the year she renounced the holiday…
It isn’t going to bed alone that feels wrong — I am not above admitting that by time Game of Thrones ends I am fucking tired — it…
Many mother-daughter bonds are forged on shopping trips, to the cadence of a credit card authorizing, of racks of hangers parting, of faint R&B music cascading through dressing rooms. My mother…
I learned a useful term from my millennial daughter: problematic fave. She and her friends used it to describe a beloved person (usually a character) who they loved…
You’ve been wearing my shoes and stealing my mascara lately, though it feels like just yesterday I was searching for your favorite stuffed zebra so you could fall…
My eyebrows. Let’s talk about them. Let’s tackle those bad boys head on because a lot of the general public feel like they are bad and shouldn’t have…
If you’ve ever experienced anxiety, or if you have an anxious teen, you know how debilitating it can be. For what seems to be no reason at all…
There are many great things about my job as a teacher. There are also many great things about being a parent – as you doubtless have read in…