Hi me,
or should I say, my dearest? Either way, this is very strange. However, it is necessary for me to tell you. You are overstressed, overwhelmed and almost over the edge. Darling, welcome to the world of adults.
What did you think it will be like? Listen, baby, I love you, so trust me that all I want is what’s best for you. You are good enough. OK, so you suck at a lot of things adults are good at, like basic survival – cooking and need recipes to spell out everything for you, even don’t stop boiling if it’s not cooked. And you really aren’t a makeup artist, I mean you were never good at art, matching colors doesn’t come naturally, but you could try to add a bit more variety to your look. You should pay your bills on time, always, I know it’s a drag, but it’s kind of required. Well, I don’t mean to kick you when you are down and I know you have plenty of shining points, things to keep in mind when you are feeling like your world absolutely sucks and you’ve achieved nothing. Let it go already. You thought your life would turn out differently. But you are happy. So, you wont win the Academy Award. Still you have what counts.
Two lovely girls making your life worth while every minute of the day. So, you are not a perfect parent. Who cares, you are learning as you go along, making sure they are loved. Yes, you are a good Mother, but stop being a slave to them. Making them happy, makes you happy, sure. But sometimes your happiness is in your hand only. It is not wrong to be a bit selfish every now and then and take what you need. You time, with what makes just you excited. Then it will be so much easier to make everyone around you smile. Don’t lose yourself, because when they leave you’ll be left with nothing. You should know by now, we all have our paths in life, your paths might now be joined, but when the time comes you must let them lead their own way, even if it’s away from you. And who will you be then, if you deny yourself everything now?
Spend more time with your great hubby. You were really lucky out there. He might not be Mr. Darcy. But truly how long could you put up with the likes of him. Hubbs is awesome. Yes, of course he has flaws, trust me, dear, so do you. Don’t let him get away with it though, but every now and again forget about who’s turn it is to do the dishes, take out trash etc. Remember, there was a time, when those things didn’t even cross your mind. You were madly in love, you would’ve carried that trash on your head if it was necessary. Now you talk mostly about kids, if you do at all, romance is not falling asleep on the couch and wearing jeans instead of sweat pants. Fix it, get away, be together even if you are not, talk, laugh, be thew two of you before the kids and don’t obsess over your body.
The one you have is the only one you’ll get. Deal with it. Yes, it shows signs of carrying two babies and you should be happy it did it so spectacularly. But stop giving it slack, a few classes of pilates could fix it perfectly. But let’s deal with reality, you will never be a model, even if you stop eating right now. Please, don’t. And don’t give up chocolates, you are not cut out for the “my body is a temple” stuff. 33 years have gone by, you don’t know how many you have left, so enjoy the little things without the guilt. As well as a glass of wine when you deserve it. And you do.
Because, baby you are a good person, with a great family and friends. You are creative and fun, but your mind works too much. Not everything can be planned. And plans can fail, things get out of hand and you put too much on your plate. Let it go, with this trying to be perfect, proving yourself and need to be worth it. You don’t need anyone telling you that you are rock or suck. You are good enough for you and those who love you. Nobody else matters. Give yourself some love and praise and a glass of wine to celebrate.
Love, Me