We all have a picture in our head of a side-show strongman. He looks like a hairless gorilla with huge pecs and arms. (Incidentally, the strongman in my head is also wearing a tight red wrestler onesie and has a huge package out front that says “Hello Baby” when I stare at it. That is a whole other article).

We think of strong men lifting heavy things, carrying guns, working night shifts and breaking rock in the hot sun. Those are the traditional images of strength. Women’s strength is more familiarly rooted in the act of silent forbearance. The expected strength of bearing up under widowhood and often the tolerance of a bad situation makes people say “She is so strong”.

I don’t know, but I think in all of human history that by now we could come up with something a little more reflective of what it really means to be strong.Finding the strength to get through life is so much more complex than carrying heavy things, working night shift or burying your husband and then keeping up with the rent.

Some might say that true strength is making an appointment with the gynecologist and showing up.


Finish reading over at Magnolia Ripkin’s blog


Our Editor-in-Chief Magnolia Ripkin is sort of like your mouthy Aunt who drinks too much and tells you how to run your life, except funny... well mostly funny... like a cold glass of water in the face. She writes a flagrantly offensive blog at Magnolia Ripkin Advice Blog answering pressing questions about business, personal development, parenting, heck even the bedroom isn't safe. She is the Editor in Chief at BluntMoms. Other places to find her: Huffington Post, The Mighty and Modern Loss. You can also check her out in two amazing compendiums of bloggers who are published in “I Just Want To Be Alone.” And most recently, Martinis and Motherhood, Tales of Wonder, Woe and WTF

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