As I get older, the human beings I fall in love with sometimes feel the need to explore new spaces and places. Frankly, I hate it. In a perfect world I would live on a commune with every person who has ever made me laugh until I cry, alongside an orchard with trees you can tap for sangria, and a stable of gentle nickering horses for Jess Walters.

Until that dream of 40 acres and a pool comes to life, like most of us I rely on technology to connect. Emails, texts, and Facebook messages – just a few ways I bug my friends and share the mighty minutiae of  my world that I think they will love.

These tiny snatches of my day, where I swivel away from what I’m doing and tap out an electronic love letter, are more than just sending someone a funny link to a photo man wearing a wig that is also a dog. These bits and bytes of communication remind me how much I am loved. How much I love. I have so many incredible humans both close enough to hug while I slowly side step and linger, and spread so far and wide I could travel the world with half a suitcase and always have an offering of a warm bed and warm tea to split my face into a smile.

vello appUp until now, I sent and I received. Laughed. Responded. Tag you’re it. With Vello, I now have a way to collaborate with the creative cats I am lucky enough to call friends. Unlike other video sharing Apps, with Vello you can create a short clip and your friends can add to it, resulting in a short movie you have handcrafted together. Your feet may stand on different shores but your story is as intertwined as a tight plait down the back of a horse that will be named Buttercup.

With Mother’s Day just down the bend, how fun would it be to create a short film with all your siblings (or kids) and see just how quickly you can make your Mom cry? As a Mom, I can tell you it won’t take much. We may joke about wanting a sweaty Tom Hardy holding a bucket of puppies for Mother’s Day, but we are completely floored when we get a sentimental token of your love. A project crafted from time.

Time is all we want back, and it’s all we want to stand still. Time is the elusive gift we give and so rarely receive. So when we are handed a capsule of it–one that we can watch and share and watch again when the world is a little quiet and a lot dark–we are reminded how very much we are loved. 

You can download the Vello App for free and start playing with it here. Here’s one clip I shot while out on a run, taking advantage of a mild purple evening in Vancouver. My Mom taught me how to run, how to take good care of myself, and to never forget to let the wind propel me on to the next adventure. And every reader who downloads the Vello App this month is entered to win a $25 gift card of their choice.  So, hop to it gals, and check out the Vello App today! 


(This is a Sponsored Post for Vello. As always, all opinions are my own.)


Brooke Takhar is a Vancouver-based mama to one goon and busy body to all. She loves the Internet, glittery nail polish, over-sharing and teaching her kid outdated dance moves. If you really love her, you'll fight in public.

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