What is wrong with kids these days? Okay not kids but younger adults. I admit, I am one of them. It seems we are cursed with the “I Want It All, And I Want It NOW” syndrome. I think our parents were cursed with the “I Want To Achieve More Than My Parents” syndrome and worked their butts off to create a life for themselves. Their children (us) grew up with the luxuries of their parents work and have come to expect it. What happens when these children grow up and have lives of their own? They still expect to have the nicest of everything and everything handed to them on a plate.
I have a few friends whose parents were able to help them out by giving them a down payment on a house. Another friend told his parents that because they couldn’t afford to give them a down payment that they should live rent free in their house until they saved up an equal amount. I am sorry, but what is wrong with renting for a few years and saving without someone giving it to you? By all means, I would take the gift if given to me, but I wouldn’t demand it or throw a tantrum so my mommy would give it to me.