Every day all day I post my emotions, my thoughts, my experiences online. I don’t do this for attention (though that doesn’t suck) but for the ability to share and to connect with other people! I post about my life as a mom, as a woman, about my thoughts on human rights, civil liberties and even politics. The internet can be so “no holds barred” it makes it second-nature to share your thoughts, regardless of who they might offend.

I like to think of myself as compassionate; I try not to over-share or do things that are offensive intentionally. I also like to write articles about my thoughts and opinions, sometimes regardless of people’s reactions, because some things just need to be said.

It’s really easy to say some things. It’s really difficult to say others.

For some people, the thought of posting words like “I’m gay,” or “I’m pregnant,” on social media is unnerving at best. Usually when we are thinking about exposing something about ourselves we’re afraid the world won’t react to positively, it can stop us from being who we are at all. Why should one person care so much about another person’s life, or see the world so differently, that they can’t accept someone else might have a different experience in life?

For some people, the thought that there might be people who are, do, or believe something different than them is just unacceptable. They are so convicted to their own opinions and moral values that they don’t even entertain the idea that there’s another way.

In fact, here at BLUNTmoms, we’ve made an entire blog dedicated to the freedom to speak our opinions. Isn’t it fancy?

The problem is, there is one opinion too many people are afraid to talk about. We’ll talk about circumcisions, being gay, women’s rights and other controversies until the sun don’t shine, but nobody is talking about religion… or rather their lack thereof.

We’re so respectful about people’s choice of religion that choosing not to have one has become taboo. People have to join secret Facebook groups and hushedly talk about it, because they’re literally afraid to admit who they are.

Atheist has become a four-letter-word and I don’t understand why.

All day I long I see status updates about God floating up and down my social streams.

“Thank GOD that I got through the surgery!”

“Thank GOD that man was kind enough to pay for my coffee!”

“I am so grateful to GOD for helping me escape that burning building!”

What about the doctors? What about the sweet strangers? What about the first responders? When do they get the credit for the things they did?

But yet, it’s MAN that causes famine and world hunger. It’s MAN that texts while driving and causes a terrible accident. It’s MAN that creates such a misogynist society that a self-entitled virgin thinks its his right to take the lives of countless innocent people.

Where is your God then? Oh, I guess he’s too busy buying people coffee.

I don’t think there is anything wrong with YOU loving God. In fact, I think its amazing you’re capable of such strong faith in something. I think its beautiful. I may not believe that God can heal you, but I sure as hell believe that having FAITH can.

That’s the beautiful thing about Faith. It’s pretty interchangeable with Hope and Love. They are never resolute, they are never constant, but if you let them be, they are there when you need them most.

I don’t want to argue about the existence of God with anybody. I don’t think your belief in God affects me at all. Except, sometimes it does. Like when people who believe in God think they have a right to “save” someone who doesn’t want to be saved. Or when people try to pray the gay away. Or when you think that your faith in general has anything to do with someone else’s life.

Faith is personal. Maybe we should keep it that way.


In the span of 5 years Christella has gone from Tour Buses to Temper Tantrums, chronicling her ups and downs as a young mom of two boys on her blog, Crawl The Line. Her special brand of humour and her tongue-in-cheek approach to parenting may not be winning her any Mother-Of-The-Year awards, but she wouldn't change it for the world! The next thing she's going to conquer? The dishes. Eventually...


  1. Mmm, I would wager a guess that most of the people that you’re quoting above use that as a colloquial term, not so much as expressing thanks to God…(either that, or there have been a couple words lost in transcribing) – used in the same way that people use OMG and TGIF. I’d say the majority of times that I see reference to God in social media it’s not so much connecting to a faith as it is an exclamation. (A quick search of your twitter feed reveals that you use “OMG” on a pretty regular basis in SM, which, when taken literally, is a call out to God.) This is not to say that legit discussion of faith & God doesn’t happen on social media – but it usually takes on a slightly different tone (unfortunately, not always a pleasant tone. 🙁 ).
    Anyhow. Yes, I agree that faith is personal. But so is taste in TV shows, sports, vaccines, and parenting styles – so why muzzle one while encouraging discussion of the others? Discussion can get ugly on any of these topics when people start to push their opinions onto others. I think it’s less about the line in the sand that says “this much shall you share with me about who you are, and no more”, more about respect & care for those we encounter on a daily basis. I promise I won’t bash a Bible over your head, and I certainly don’t pray for God to make my friends ‘ungay’…but I won’t promise that you’ll never hear me talk about my Faith or the impact that it has on my life. 😉

  2. Thank you for writing this. I shared it on FB. Recently, I’ve been “coming out of the closet” more about my atheism. People have tried to save me. It’s annoying. Why is it that most people will teach their older children that Santa is not real, but that God is. It’s like they are the same really — what with seeing you when your sleeping, and knowing if you’ve been bad or good and all. It’s super irritating that people who do NOT have invisible friends are the ones who seem to have all of the “splaining” to do.

  3. As a science teacher I get questioned by kids about my Faith all the time… I am an Athiest, (who was brought up Catholic) and a public school classroom is usually not the place to have deep & meaningfuls, especially if I don’t want a long discussion with some parents. If they really press I often will tell them I am Pastafarian, and make them do some research. If you haven’t read about the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster you must, it’s a great read for Faith & Science discussion… The author makes a compelling case;)

    As for Santa, I’m keeping him… But the old School St Nick story, not the Christian incarnation. I love the holiday and want to teach my kids to be givers. My tree topper is a Santa hat instead of an Angel!

  4. I agree with Jenn—I know many non-believers that use “God” colloquially in expressions. I even know non-believers who say “praying” in a colloquial way.

    I am a Christian and I always have been. I have had a more close relationship with God and have grown my faith more in the last two years, especially when my dad died last year and I needed God the most. I have been scared to share my faith online as I know not all agree with me. I have had many people unfollow me because they don’t want to read me blogging about my personal experiences and expressions of faith or sharing what I’m doing in Bible study on Instagram. The Bible talks again and again about how we will be persecuted for our Christian beliefs, but it is only recently that I’ve fully embraced my own faith and I’m confident in my walk with Christ.

    I’ve never preached my beliefs. I’ve never tried to “convert” anyone or “pray away the gay”, as you put it, as no believer should—goes against God’s word of loving each other as He loves us. I’ve never intentionally shamed people who believe differently than I do. My faith is more evident online as I don’t walk around town saying what I would tweet (nor do any of us, I certainly hope!) and that has increased the last 2 years, as I already mentioned.

    The key is respect. I have been mocked for saying it, but as long as you can respect me for my beliefs and not make fun of me for it, I will gladly do the same and respect you for yours (actually, regardless of what you say and do I will still respect your belief/non-belief). I have a lot of non-believers as friends, as I’m very involved in the science community (evolutionists) and I’ve had very very few bad experiences with them as there is a mature and mutual respect. It’s like you say: “They are so convicted to their own opinions and moral values that they don’t even entertain the idea that there’s another way.”—that is when we run into a problem.

  5. Thank god you wrote this piece! 😉

    Seriously, though I completely agree. I don’t really mind people thanking their god for what they consider to be blessings in their lives, but…..I agree that should acknowledge the humans who’s hands and skills helped them here on earth…and some do.

    What really bugs me is constantly reading about the evil atheists imaginary war against Christianity. Oh, and when kids attempt to convert my children. RESPECT…..it’s a two way street. 🙂

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