My eyes are green. Hazel if you want to believe that busybody down at the DMV. He’s wrong. I think it’s the stress from the many near-death experiences he must encounter on a daily basis.

They have been extra-green this year. I think that 4 out of 5 families at the kids’ school have traveled to Disney this year. Maybe they are being sponsored by the gum-recommending dentists, judging by the ratio. Many of them have gone on cruises. There have been skiing trips, lazy cottage getaways, and lots of exciting day-trips.

There are two things that prevent us from doing a lot of things. Okay three if you count laziness. One is financial. I am a stay-at-home mom. Which I love, and wouldn’t trade for anything. In theory. If it came with a salary it would be even more awesome.

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Tara is gainfully employed by the toughest 3 female bosses she has ever had (well except for that one accounting manager who hated her). The pay sucks, but the cuddles are awesome. She drinks a lot of coffee, uses humour as a defense mechanism, and lives in fear of what lurks in her backyard. Keep Tara company on her unfortunately-named blog Don’t Lick the Deck, where she talks about her husband Nerdguy; her 10 year old and twin 8 year old girls; parenting autism and ADHD; and her inability to shop without creating disaster. She is regular contributor to who have not yet filed a restraining order.

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