How young is too young for a cell phone? Do you want your child to have their own phone or is it something that scares you? There are plenty of benefits to them having a phone, especially a smart phone, but the limitless options might not be a wise age appropriate decision.

There is a new pay-as-you-go cell company that is pretty awesome called Zact. Zact has a new program that works off the Sprint cellular and data network. You can pick and choose what features you would like. You pay only for minutes and features that you use. If unused minutes remain at the end of the month, you get your money back. The average Zact bill is $22 a month.

Zact is the best plan for a parent that would like to set some limits on their childrens phone use. Whether it be a small child or a teen, you can set customized limits. Options for limitations include the amount of talk, text and data, phone curfews, allowed or blocked contacts, and which apps are able to be used. While for some people, these limitations might not be needed, but as a mom looking for a phone for her kid I love the options available with Zact. Previously it was available online only, but it is now exclusively available at the Best Buy Mobile locations.

Best Buy Mobile Specialty Stores are smaller shops found in local malls or neighborhood shopping centers. You get the benefits of the smart (and non commissioned) staff in a convenient location. These small shops are set up for the ultimate cell phone shopping. You can compare plans across every carrier and you can get help transferring information and contacts to your new phone.

Introducing Zact from Zact Mobile on Vimeo.


Brooke is a cyber mom on the go with twins in tow. Balancing her vision of a glamorous life with 3 kids and a budget, she is always on the lookout for something that will make her life easier, her house prettier, or her day a bit more sane.

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