Christmas comes but once a year….and we can all be thankful for that, amiright??? Sometimes it’s all just too much and the gift shopping in a year of pandemic issues, supply chain issues and store availability issues tends to create “drinking too much wine” issues for me!

But there’s always one gift I can fall back on, one that I am excited to give or to receive, and that is books. Books for babies, books for adults and books for everyone in between. Speaking of the in between though…if you don’t read YA or middle school reader books, how do you know which ones to choose for your gift giving?

As luck would have it, our BluntMoms Editor in Chief has written a couple and they are fun, entertaining and of course well written! How do I know this? Because I have read them myself, that’s how. I enjoy reading YA books and these were such a treat that I recommend them to anyone and everyone looking for a middle school readers book.

The series starts with Lou and the Whale of a Crime. Lou is a 15 year-old girl whose family moves to a new town and she is trying to fit in and find new friends, which as any teenager knows can be hard. Add to it her unquenchable need to find and solve mysteries and you have a recipe for adventure and fun. And I didn’t even mention her steady companion, an enormous Great Dane dog named Rocky who just adds to the chaos!

It continues with Lou and The Carnival Cold Case and by now Lou has a great group of friends and she and Rocky are solving mysteries once again. The characters are a lot of fun and seem like people you would know, or at least would like to know.

Still not sure of these books are for your reader? Then check out A Very Rocky Adventure, which is a free ebook download that is offered at  It details Rocky the Great Dane’s adventures when he isn’t with Lou in a fun novella that will give you a taste of what you can expect with these amazing books.

The best part? The books are available on Amazon, which means some delightful delivery driver will bring them right to your door! No supply chain problems, nothing stuck in a cargo ship off the coast of <insert any place with a port here>, no wearing a mask while you search high and low for the correct size, color or special thing. And if you are extra nice, they will even wrap them for you. Ok, so it really has nothing to do with being nice. You have to pay them money, but WHATEVER. Time is of the essence at this point and I am too busy having a nice glass of Chardonnay to be dealing with scissors and tape.


Melissa Coble is a mom living in Phoenix, Arizona just trying to survive the teenage years with a lot of laughs, an occasional rant, and copious amounts of wine. You can find her counting the days until her nest is empty on her blog An Unfit Parent and on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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