The first thing the doctor says to me after looking at me and my 6 month old was “Did you deliver him vaginally?” I said no and he replied, “That’s what I thought, I looked at his head and your hips and thought ‘there is no way this lady had that baby vaginally’!” Though I felt a little violated that my pelvis was just ogled, I also felt that sting of shame I had felt after having a C-Section.
I’m going to share a lengthy post with you about C-Sections, and what nobody tells you. I will share with you the feelings I was ashamed to have and tell others about. Please don’t hesitate to add your comments below and share your story.
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Her friends know her has their nerdy girlfriend who gets day drunk at ladies' lunches. Shawna gave up her career to be a stay at home mom to three kids under four. She is online sharing the questions she is asking around simple living, simple style and simple health. Candid about marriage ish, momfails and God's grace.

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