Our 20th is looming and hubby wants to go somewhere amazing. He’s picked Croatia. I was thinking Palm Springs, but whatever, he’s paying!
Now, 20 years is lots of time to get comfy with each other and step out of the box in the bedroom a bit. In fact, we have a box in our room full of fun experimental toys, some plenty used, others delegated to the reject pile. So while I’m feeling like we’re in a great place hubby seems to think 20 years deserves just that little bit more, or less as it seems.
The term “naturist” is one I know, although not intimately. I’m not comfortable strolling down the beach with my bits hanging out and blowing in the breeeze. Hubby thinks this would be very “freeing”. Ya, freeing is absolutely the right word when we’re both losing supportive garments!
So he’s scouring the internet for secluded beaches where we could be alone, with no one to watch me pick sand out of my everywhere. I’m going along with it, knowing I have at least a year to shut this down.
But who knows what a year can do?? Maybe I’ll lose 25 pounds, get ripped abs, a tummy tuck and a boob job and be begging to go!
But if not, could I dare myself to go anyway?
Eeeeek? U go girl, u only live once so go and enjoy it. There are lots of different sizes, weights, body shapes on those beaches. Don’t worry about yourself or your hubby. Go have fun!!