There are a lot of dividers out there these days…
Minorities vs. “Whites”.
Young vs. Old.
Skinny vs. Fat.
Republican vs. Democrat.
Crunchy vs. Well… not Crunchy!
Apparently there’s another divide I hadn’t really given much thought to, one that divides me and the majority of my “old friends” into different camps: Parents vs. Non-Parents  …continue reading…

In the span of 5 years Christella has gone from Tour Buses to Temper Tantrums, chronicling her ups and downs as a young mom of two boys on her blog, Crawl The Line. Her special brand of humour and her tongue-in-cheek approach to parenting may not be winning her any Mother-Of-The-Year awards, but she wouldn't change it for the world! The next thing she's going to conquer? The dishes. Eventually...

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