Welcome to December 25th. You made it baby…. YAY YOU!

The BluntMoms were thinking about our fabulous readers and wanted to tell you that we feel you during this festive season. You might be in bliss with your youngsters, or losing your shizzle, in fact you might be any one of these kinds of Mom:

the “Yay for tinsel” perky annoying type

the “why are my inlaws such trolls?” host

the “eat ALL the cookies” self medicator

the “yup, drunk again” present wrapper

the “I am so bloody organized I have time to post to Pinterest” overachiever

the “perfect tree with matching lights and balls” queen bee

or our favorite kind: the “underachiever dirty yoga pants Mom with a great martini strategy” bestie.

It doesn’t matter which kind you are, the Moms over here at your favorite gritty-edgy-guilty-pleasure website wish you a happy and wonderful whatever you celebrate. Put your head down and charge through it. You can do it sunshine!


Our Editor-in-Chief Magnolia Ripkin is sort of like your mouthy Aunt who drinks too much and tells you how to run your life, except funny... well mostly funny... like a cold glass of water in the face. She writes a flagrantly offensive blog at Magnolia Ripkin Advice Blog answering pressing questions about business, personal development, parenting, heck even the bedroom isn't safe. She is the Editor in Chief at BluntMoms. Other places to find her: Huffington Post, The Mighty and Modern Loss. You can also check her out in two amazing compendiums of bloggers who are published in “I Just Want To Be Alone.” And most recently, Martinis and Motherhood, Tales of Wonder, Woe and WTF


    • Thanks Jenny,
      Our secret mission is to prevent any harm coming to children in the form of shrieking Mothers. Once you laugh at our foibles, how can you stay mad? We can’t however save your husband from himself. He is on his own.

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