Kids grow up ultra fast. Their tastes change quickly, so do their skills and abilities. Now that my boy is a nearly tween, whatever that means, he has one foot in childhood and one in attitude land.
Other than the whole rest of the year of challenges this age presents, it is so much harder to figure out what to buy him for Christmas. He is at that age, where, like most boys, you can’t yet make them happy with socks and underwear but they are beyond dinky cars.
My teenage daughter is easy to buy for. Expensive as hell, but the choices are easy. My son is a different story. He is going on 11 so he wants toys, yet he doesn’t. Books are ok, but you can’t play with them. He still sort of wants things he can play with….cool things.
I have been at a loss for choices for his last birthday and Christmas gifts. He doesn’t like to make models, and has all the electronics he is going to own. Last year we pooled some money with the grandparents and bought a huge building block set which worked. He was happy, but we were broke.
So we tried out one of the new MASSIVE Hexbugs. This robot monster was a hit with the boy. It is something he can build, play with, and best of all, use to freak out his sister.
Putting it together ended up being a father and son project and took the better part of an afternoon. These toys are for age 8 and over, but I really feel most kids of moderate skill wouldn’t be able to fully assemble it alone until they get a little older. Seriously, it is huge and has lots of moving parts.
Getting something that is a hit in the 10 to 12 year old boy age group is a coup. We are enjoying his new found street cred because when he takes it out on our street, it draws kids and adults alike just to watch it “walk”.
I am not sure I am ready for him to stop playing with toys just yet. So he will still get fun stuff this Christmas and his Dad will get the socks and underwear.
If you too have a “in between age” fellow to buy for this holiday, HexBugs are sold just about everywhere, and yes, he will LOVE IT!