Have you read the book I Just Want to Be Alone yet?  Do yourself a favour and buy it right away.  And promptly find yourself a good closet/bathroom/panic room to hide yourself in so that you can read it.  Because nothing seems to draw the family around me like a swarm of flies like a book and a cup of coffee.  

Now a book with a title indicating that I want some time to myself is guaranteed to attract some attention.  You may want to put a decoy book jacket on it along the lines of Remodelling the Yard in 8,000 Easy Do-It-Yourself Steps or At-Home Couples Counselling – that will guarantee a wide berth around your reading chair by at least your husband.

 In fact I am terribly behind on writing about this hilarious book due in part to kids with stomach flu, endless doctor appointments, chores, etc….but also because I COULD NOT get Nerdguy to stop talking long enough for me to write anything.  

How’s that for irony?  Actually I don’t know.  Alanis has forever messed me up on that one.  A book about getting five minutes of peace away from our husbands, and I can’t find anywhere to hide for long enough to write a review.. .  CONTINUE READING 


Tara is gainfully employed by the toughest 3 female bosses she has ever had (well except for that one accounting manager who hated her). The pay sucks, but the cuddles are awesome. She drinks a lot of coffee, uses humour as a defense mechanism, and lives in fear of what lurks in her backyard. Keep Tara company on her unfortunately-named blog Don’t Lick the Deck, where she talks about her husband Nerdguy; her 10 year old and twin 8 year old girls; parenting autism and ADHD; and her inability to shop without creating disaster. She is regular contributor to Parentdish.ca who have not yet filed a restraining order.

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