i have a lot of opinions.

i can’t help it and if i could, i probably wouldn’t. all of me adds up to this.

this being said, i know i’m not the answer. i’m not the answer for you, or you, or you, or even me sometimes.

but, here’s my beef. what’s the deal with you? why are you and your theory based parenting practice so arrogant? seriously, you need to get a life.

i don’t consider myself an expert but it’s not going to do me any favours to minimize my years of work experience supporting peeps and, of those years, loads of face to face intervention based work with growing souls. i have some knowledge of little people needs, communication and behavioural processes, individual and family systems, relational complexities, the developmental continuum, pro social child development concepts, the psycho-emotional-social health of wee brains, parenting dynamics, parenting strategies, home, family, and parenting organization to support flow and function, and, primarily, of me, my own life, my marriage, our creation, and our parenting.

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An amazing collection of bright women who somehow manage to work, play, parent and survive and write blog posts all at the same time. We are the BLUNTmoms, always honest, always direct and surprising hilarious.

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