Have you ever had a day where there was literally nothing on your to do list? Before kids, I am sure I had days that the only task that was mandatory was to go to school, but those days are long gone.

I recently got to experience such a thrilling and anxious feeling of nothing to do while at a spa visiting the Sparkling Hill Resort and Kur Spa. In my house, our idea of camping was a hotel without a pool. We loved to swim, and would race to the pool once we checked in. So, hearing that the hotel had a spa I was envisioning a swimming pool and a hot tub. Possibly a steam room. I have never had the chance to experience something like this, nor could I even imagine.

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Brooke is a cyber mom on the go with twins in tow. Balancing her vision of a glamorous life with 3 kids and a budget, she is always on the lookout for something that will make her life easier, her house prettier, or her day a bit more sane.

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