There were scattered reports on the morning news about a shooting in Ottawa.

When my husband came home from work he began speaking of the events even before reaching a seat. Retelling the shocking details he had just heard on the news. Words peeling off his fresh thoughts and emotions. Words that made me cringe.

He said the soldier who was shot was a young man with a young son.

My husband described a picture of the soldier standing guard at the memorial. His words circling around the honour involved in being a sentry guard, standing up for your country. He puffed up his own chest speaking of the pride the soldier must have felt, the kind of pride that only comes from doing what you believe in.

I imagined him and my husband. Two men. Dads. Leaving their families and going off to work at jobs they felt valued in, and did with all their heart.

No my husband isn’t a soldier, I don’t have an ounce of what it takes to be an army wife. But all I can see when I look at this soldier, this man, this boy, is my husband sitting in our living room with his chest wide and high speaking of the dignity and distinction he saw in Nathan Cirillo.

I hope Nathan’s child grows to know his father as a hero. I hope we can remember in spite of these horrible events that there are dedicated, loyal Canadians standing with their chest wide and high every day for the home soil they have devoted their lives to guard. Most of all I hope we can show these people who stand watch over our home with their heart and lives, that we honour them and the sacrifices they make.
On Friday October 24th, wear RED to show respect for Cpl.Nathan Cirillo and support of our Canadian Soldiers. For more information see the Facebook Page Rest in Peace Cpl. Nathan Cirillo.


Her friends know her has their nerdy girlfriend who gets day drunk at ladies' lunches. Shawna gave up her career to be a stay at home mom to three kids under four. She is online sharing the questions she is asking around simple living, simple style and simple health. Candid about marriage ish, momfails and God's grace.


  1. There’s so much I want to say about this post. My heart breaks for Cpl Nathan Cirillo and his family. My heart breaks for the events of yesterday. I feel like Canada was a child and, yesterday, it was forced into the harsh realities of adulthood. Innocence lost. My heart goes out to Sargeant-At-Arms, Kevin Vickers, who, in order to save others’ lives, had to kill a man.

    It was a sad day for Canadians. But we will pick up the pieces and carry on.

    Thank you to all our men and women in uniform, both military and civilian, who put their lives on the line for us everyday.

    Kudos for this post, Shawna. Well said.

  2. Pingback: We Stand on Guard for Thee #ottawastrong -

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