At the 2018 Golden Globe Awards, a group of determined women, led by Tarana Burke founder of #MeToo, and actor Michele Williams, seized an opportunity to shed much-needed light on the issue of gender inequality not just in Hollywood but worldwide. They called this movement Time’s Up and they turned it into a protest march. From “what are you wearing?” to “we are not arm candy, we are activists,” they changed the narrative at this iconic event. While female actors are often marginalized, they persevered despite being powerless in their own right against the industry led and controlled by male interests, money, and sexual power, as we have seen in recent months with horrific revelations and consequences. They persevered.

A group of female actors, who had gathered in advance and generated momentum for Time’s Up, each invited a prominent activist to join them at the Globes. This pairing was to call attention to sexual harassment in Hollywood and beyond, using the red carpet to shine a spotlight on an epidemic, that while not new, is certainly more newsworthy of late.

These actors chose to wear black in protest, and many to wear pants to an event where their sexuality and supposed femininity are often the only yardsticks upon which they are measured. This is typically a metric based on which designer is worn, and how much cloth and glitter said designer has chosen to sew onto the bodice or rear (or not) of a woman’s dress. No skin at these Globes. These Globes were not about globes at all, that horrible pun was put away and let’s hope for good. Women are not their breasts nor have we ever been.

To those who called these efforts superficial, I say, how else would you have us protest years, no decades, of persecution? In a brilliantly executed strategy, these women used the media and their station as actors to show they would not be marginalized and turned into pinup dolls for viewers’ enjoyment. They’d prefer to wear a garment of their own choosing, thank you very much. And, perhaps pants rather than a cumbersome gown as high heels, plunging necklines, and pasties are simply not comfortable whilst strolling down a red carpet in the heat and spotlights.

These women have declared in bright lights, and exclamation points that we are not here for your pleasure, entertainment, use and abuse. No one is. To minimize our protest of rampant abuse is to further institutionalize it. It needs to be carved out of our culture. When we tell our stories, we need to be heard and believed. We have no reason to lie.

And to the abusers, the creeps, the apathetic, and the enablers we are coming for you. Your time is up.




Jenny Kanevsky is the author of the mystery Chosen Quarry and a copywriter and content marketing provider. Visit her site She is also an editor at The Good Men Project and a contributor at Huffington Post . She lives in Austin, Texas.

1 Comment

  1. Misty Louis Reply

    Technically those actresses at the Golden Globes are around for our entertainment. And its because of this fact they are even able to be there in the first place. If not for the fans need to be entertained by external sources these people would not be so super rich. I don’t think they need to dress flaunting anything and they should be able to enjoy a night out without being bothered by fans. They just shouldn’t expect this while they attend an event such as the Golden Globes. To me this is a stunt being done in order for these Hollywood types to draw attention to themselves and their acting career. Its like a job fair for Hollywood. So they can shove their rhetoric up their @$$. There are people out in the real world dealing with similar and yes very terrible situations why don’t the Hollywood types use their platform to give a voice to the actual voiceless in the same situation? P.s. fuck those of them who are Hollywood pedophiles. I wonder why those stories of pedophilia in Hollywood keep getting swept under the rug, seems like their voices are being drowned out by these other Hollywood atrocities.

    Just an opinion piece.

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