you know what’s hard? adding another baby to your family.

not so? well, it was for me. frankly, i was a jerk about it.

i had a friend warn me when i was pregnant with our second to prepare myself for just how bad of a parent i would become. i laughed it off, assuming she was being hyperbolic.

she wasn’t. it happened.

i didn’t mean for it to, i never thought it could. i assumed i was resilient enough, skilled enough, resourceful enough and supported enough to continue parenting with ease, purpose, and joy.

needless to say, that’s not how it went down.

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Heather was born a mom in 2009 but is still working out the kinks. She loves the CBC, aspartame beverages that are toxic and delicious, her profession, the 3 guys she shares a home with, and (sometimes) being a parent. A believer that moms are born too, she writes about her business because words make her happy and happy is good.

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