If you are new to us, you may not realize we have been around for awhile.

We launched this January, and since then have published almost 250 posts from over 40 different authors around the Globe.

Today, we share with you a selection of our most popular posts. They are a great read, and a good way to get to know us!

Dive into the BLUNTmoms pool and see what we are all about!
1. Naked in front of your kids 

2. Your kid is an asshole 

3. I shouldn’t have married my husband 

4. When it’s ok to cheat 

5. You married a loser 

6. Girl please, you are not a single mom 

7. Douchebag dads 

8. Why i hate stupid women 

9.  No more freebies 

10. Stalking my Ex

Our runners up?
Dear Bitchy Moms
Pinterest is for Pussies
Four Little Words!


An amazing collection of bright women who somehow manage to work, play, parent and survive and write blog posts all at the same time. We are the BLUNTmoms, always honest, always direct and surprising hilarious.

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