drivingI see you sitting there a block ahead of me, signalling, trying to get into the other lane.  None of the douche bags ahead of me will slow down and let you in.  I, however, am not a douche bag.  I can spare one second out of my life, and put up with the asshole behind me getting pissed off, to let you in. But, is it too much to ask to get “the wave” of courtesy from you?  Now I just think you are another douche bag too.Maybe it’s my rural upbringing, where you waved at anyone you passed on a gravel road.  It didn’t matter if you knew them or not, or if they did you a traffic favour.  It’s just what you did. You also slowed down when you passed someone on those roads so you didn’t throw a rock at their windshield.

In the city it’s a different story.  It’s every man for himself.  Most people don’t even seem to understand the simple concept of merging.  There are no manners on the streets.  People would just as soon hit you and smash up their own car than give you any leeway.

A couple of weeks ago I watched a young punk in a girlie “sports” car whip passed me and speed through an intersection.  He was turning right on a red but didn’t even slow down let alone stop.  He hit an elderly man that was walking against the light.  The punk took zero responsibility.  Said the old man “hit him”.  He knew, and I knew, that had he not been speeding, had he even looked when he took that corner, we would not have been picking that old man up from under his car.  I hope he has nightmares about it. The old man was not seriously injured by the way.

I’m not sure why people seem to think, once they get behind the wheel of a piece of machinery that they are the fucking king (or queen) of the universe.  The rules of the road do not supersede the rules of just being a decent human being.



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