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Actually, yield = 2 girls.

Here’s the recipe:

Start with two friends. Add two more. Add two more.

Tell each couple to invite two more until you have 12 people.

Some who know each other really well. Some who know each other kinda well. And some who don’t know each other at all.

Mix them together in one stretch limo.

Fold in one of the guys from Real Housewives of Vancouver last.

Stir with some bubbly until mixed really well.

Apply multiple martinis, food and wine in alternating layers. Set aside.

Now you are ready for the creamy shooters with cute names that you forget by now. Down one at a time, being careful not to spill a drop.

Wait! What? The limo is back. It’s time to go? Climb back into the limo and find your spot next to a window. But the liquor consumption is not over apparently.

First Girl #1 jumps in.

With a mouthful of tequila coming towards me. I’ve never met this woman before tonight, but I guess she likes me. I’ve got to decide what to do quickly. We do the Katy Perry and the shot is transferred. And the tequila remarkably slides down.

Whew. I did it. And I barely embarrassed myself. 30 minutes and I will be home in bed.

Then Girl #2 gets into the limo and follows the lead of Girl #1.

I kissed a girl.


And lived to tell about it.



An amazing collection of bright women who somehow manage to work, play, parent and survive and write blog posts all at the same time. We are the BLUNTmoms, always honest, always direct and surprising hilarious.


  1. I would not have lived to tell about it. I would have died of embarrassment. I’m such a prude. I wonder if being old has anything to do with it.

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