A clock radio, my homework, an expensive pair of jeans, a pot of simple syrup.

What do all of these items have in common?

I have started (accidentally) a fire with them. My clock radio burned because I left a candle on top of it, my homework set on fire as it blew across a table with an open flame, my jeans were “drying” on an area heater when they became “holey” and the syrup boiled over on the stove top causing a large flame to shoot up and break my smoke alarm into a crying screech.

Not only do my children need fire safety videos, apparently I do too. Maybe more.

Since meeting me, my husband has become aware of my fire starting power. He installs extra smoke alarms, and fire extinguishers wherever we live. For peace of mind. He also banned me from emergency candles and stocks us with flashlights. Lots of them.

From the moment our babies are born we vow to keep them safe. We read, update and install a wall of protection around them. A parent’s best friend is a useful tool they can use to keep children out of harm’s way. We spend so much of our time warning our kids to be careful, that we sometimes forget a teachable moment can be fun. Videos, songs and books are a perfect way to reach kids, relax them, and let a message sink in.

I have three small children aged nine, six and four. They are all in school, and have learned safety drills, fire escape routines and other necessary skills to help boost their confidence in a frightful situation. We recently moved to a new house. This was a perfect opportunity to talk about the “what if’s” of a fire. My oldest child gets very anxious when we talk about scary topics such as fires. I am always looking for a better way to convey a safety message.

When we watched the fire safety videos, the kids were dancing and singing along. But mostly they were learning the repetition of the protocol. What I loved about the videos, as a parent, was the effort put in to make it a fun, catchy tune. I found myself humming it throughout the day. My youngest child started asking questions about fires and if he could take his toys, and pets. It was a great way for us, and his older siblings to point out what they knew about fire safety.

Little Rosalie
What’s that Sound?

teaching fire safety

We sat down together and drew a map, keeping up with the fun atmosphere the song provided. My nine year old asked if we had tested our smoke detectors lately. Good question. Yes, I replied, I cooked dinner last night and it worked fine. At least I kept the batteries in. She has taken over fire drill planning.

Being aware and not afraid of fire helped boost my confidence as well. It also reminded me to pass the song along to my sitter, and other parents.

Taking a few minutes out of the day may change the outcome of a dangerous situation to a brave and happy ending.


An amazing collection of bright women who somehow manage to work, play, parent and survive and write blog posts all at the same time. We are the BLUNTmoms, always honest, always direct and surprising hilarious.

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